Alumni Weekend Events
58 events found
Thursday, May 1
Registration and Phoenix Lounge Hospitality
Ida Noyes Hall, Cloister Club, 1212 E. 59th St.
Check in, pick up your badges, and explore the Main Quad. Staff will be available to answer questions.
Trivia Night @ the Pub
Ida Noyes Hall, The Pub, 1212 E. 59th St.
Missing trivia nights at the Pub? You won’t want to miss this! Join fellow competitors for some fierce competition and tough questions.
Friday, May 2
Registration and Phoenix Lounge Hospitality
Ida Noyes Hall, Cloister Club, 1212 E. 59th St.
Check in, pick up your badges, and explore the Main Quad. Staff will be available to answer questions. Entry for this day includes access to UnCommon Core sessions, UnCommon Tours, and more. Limited spots are available for tours; please see the tour desk in Ida Noyes Hall for more information. The full schedule will be provided on site and online at
The UnCommon Core
Ida Noyes Hall, 1212 E. 59th St.
Looking forward to participating in some engaging intellectual programming? Join several events hosted by divisions and alumni to learn about the latest research and practices. Programming includes sessions with the 3-Minute Thesis Competition and more.
The UnCommon Tours
Ida Noyes Hall, 1212 E. 59th St.
Enjoy some of your favorite UChicago spots by taking part in campus tours, including but not limited to full-campus tours, the Institute for the Study of Ancient Cultures Museum (ISAC), the Carillon Tower, the Smart Museum of Art, and more. To secure your spot and learn more, stop by the official tour desk inside Ida Noyes Hall. Limited spots are available.
UnCommon Tour | Chicago Studies
Ida Noyes Hall, 1212 E. 59th St.
Chicago Studies and our many partners make it easy to explore our community—and understand it better. Join us from 9:30 - 11:30 and refresh your view of the UChicago campus and the near surrounding neighborhoods with a tour guide exploring the history of 55th Street and the Olmsted heritage of our campus. We ask that everyone arrive by 9:15 AM for directions and introductions.
UnCommon Tour | Frederick C. Robie House
Frederick C. Robie House, 5757 S. Woodlawn Ave.
Separate ticket required
Discover the house Frank Lloyd Wright described as “a cornerstone of modern architecture” on this guided tour that takes in both the exterior and interior of the building. Inspired by the expansive landscape of the Midwest prairie, Wright’s Robie House is the most famous of the architect’s groundbreaking Prairie houses. Completed in 1910, the house is recognized today as one of the most important buildings of the 20th century. It is inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List.
UnCommon Tour | Carillon Tower
Rockefeller Memorial Chapel
A Carillon Tower Tour involves walking on the catwalks in the chapel’s attic, visiting the tower's mechanical room to see the electropneumatic hour chime machine, experiencing the largest bell up close (37,000 lbs. of bronze), witnessing a demonstration of how the carillon is played, and visiting the roof for a 360-degree view of Chicago. The tour requires about one hour. The 271-step spiral staircase is taken at a leisurely pace and is not recommended for anyone who may be afraid of heights or claustrophobic. Children are allowed so long as they can make it up the stairs and are accompanied by an adult.
UnCommon Tour | Carillon Tower
Rockefeller Memorial Chapel
A Carillon Tower Tour involves walking on the catwalks in the chapel’s attic, visiting the tower's mechanical room to see the electropneumatic hour chime machine, experiencing the largest bell up close (37,000 lbs. of bronze), witnessing a demonstration of how the carillon is played, and visiting the roof for a 360-degree view of Chicago. The tour requires about one hour. The 271-step spiral staircase is taken at a leisurely pace and is not recommended for anyone who may be afraid of heights or claustrophobic. Children are allowed so long as they can make it up the stairs and are accompanied by an adult.
UnCommon Core | 3-Minute Thesis (3MT) Competition
Ida Noyes Hall, 3rd Floor Theatre, 1212 E. 59th St.
Curious about the cutting-edge research being produced by UChicago PhD students? Join the audience of UChicago’s 3MT competition to see students deliver compelling, three-minute presentations about their work. Twelve PhD students representing the Humanities, Social Sciences, Biological Sciences, and Physical Sciences will compete for a $1000 cash prize as well as an "audience favorite" award. Interact with student speakers during a reception following the presentations.
Maroon Afternoon, featuring the Alumni Beer Garden
Main Quad, Festival Tent, 58th St. and University Ave.
Must be 21 or older to attend; government-issued ID required for entry.
Enjoy an assortment of brews and light snacks on the Main Quad with friends. Special thanks to Great Lakes Brewing Company founder and owner Patrick Conway, AM’78, for his generous sponsorship this year.
Pints with Profs
Main Quad, 58th St. and University Ave.
College alumni are invited to connect informally with faculty over drinks in the festival tent. Have a beverage, tell some tales, and hear directly from faculty about their scholarship.
Crown Family School Social Justice Address and Reception | The Sum of Us: What Racism Costs Everyone and How We Can Prosper Together
Crown Family School, Edith Abbott Hall, 969 E. 60th St.
Join renowned author and policy expert Heather McGhee as she explores the profound social and economic costs of racism and offers an actionable roadmap for building solidarity in our communities. Drawing from her acclaimed book The Sum of Us, McGhee offers an inspiring vision for how we can create a more equitable and prosperous future by working together across racial and socioeconomic divides.
BSD Dinner with the Dean
RPM Seafood, 317 North Clark Street
Separate ticket required
All graduate alumni of the Biological Sciences Division are invited to join David R. Kovar, associate dean of basic science, graduate education, and professor of molecular genetics and cell biology, for networking and dinner. This event is for BSD alumni only.
The College Class of 1975 | 50th Reunion
David Rubenstein Forum, 1201 E. 60th St.
Separate ticket required
Celebrate your 50th Reunion by reminiscing about your days on campus and enjoying food and drinks with your classmates.
The College Class of 1980 | 45th Reunion
Quadrangle Club,1155 E. 57th St.
Separate ticket required
Celebrate your 45th Reunion by reminiscing about your days on campus and enjoying food and drinks with your classmates.
The College Class of 1985 | 40th Reunion
Quadrangle Club, 1155 E. 57th St.
Separate ticket required
Celebrate your 40th Reunion by reminiscing about your days on campus and enjoying food and drinks with your classmates.
The College Class of 1990 | 35th Reunion
The Study, 1227 E. 60th St.
Separate ticket required
Celebrate your 35th Reunion by reminiscing about your days on campus and enjoying food and drinks with your classmates.
The College Class of 1995 | 30th Reunion
David Rubenstein Forum, 1201 E. 60th St.
Separate ticket required
Celebrate your 30th Reunion by reminiscing about your days on campus and enjoying food and drinks with your classmates.
The College Class of 2000 | 25th Reunion
Fulton Recital Hall, 1010 E. 59th St.
Separate ticket required
Celebrate your 25th Reunion by reminiscing about your days on campus and enjoying food and drinks with your classmates.
The College Class of 2005 | 20th Reunion
The DuSable Black History Museum and Education Center, 740 E. 56th Pl.
Separate ticket required
Celebrate your 20th Reunion by reminiscing about your days on campus and enjoying food and drinks with your classmates.
The College Class of 2010 | 15th Reunion
Reva and David Logan Center for the Arts, 915 E. 60th St.
Separate ticket required
Celebrate your 15th Reunion by reminiscing about your days on campus and enjoying food and drinks with your classmates.
The College Class of 2015 | 10th Reunion
The Study, 1227 E. 60th St.
Separate ticket required
Celebrate your 10th Reunion by reminiscing about your days on campus and enjoying food and drinks with your classmates.
The College Class of 2020 | 5th Reunion
Punch Bowl Social, 310 N. Green St.
Separate ticket required
Celebrate your 5th Reunion by reminiscing about your days on campus and enjoying food and drinks with your classmates.
The College Class of 2024 | 1st Reunion
Punch Bowl Social, 310 N. Green St.
Separate ticket required
Celebrate your 1st Reunion by reminiscing about your days on campus and enjoying food and drinks with your classmates.
Late Night Breakfast Bash
Main Quad, Festival Tent, 58th St. and University Ave.
Join everyone back for Alumni Weekend at a brand-new event that transforms the finals week tradition of Midnight (more recently, Late-Night) Breakfast into a full-blown party on the quad, with music, dancing, drinks, breakfast-inspired bites, and you. Don’t miss the fun in the festival tent!
Saturday, May 3
Registration and Phoenix Lounge Hospitality
Ida Noyes Hall, 1212 E. 59th St.
Check in, pick up your badges, and explore the Main Quad. Staff will be available to answer questions. Entry for this day includes access to UnCommon Core sessions, UnCommon Tours, and more. Limited spots are available for tours; please see the tour desk in Ida Noyes Hall for more information. The full schedule will be provided on site and online at
The UnCommon Core
Ida Noyes Hall, 1212 E. 59th St.
Looking forward to participating in some engaging intellectual programming? Join several events hosted by divisions and alumni to learn about the latest research and practices. Programming includes sessions with the Alumni Travel Program, Lightning Talks, and more.
The UnCommon Tours
Ida Noyes Hall, 1212 E. 59th St.
Enjoy some of your favorite UChicago spots by taking part in campus tours, including but not limited to full-campus tours, the Institute for the Study of Ancient Cultures Museum (ISAC), the Carillon Tower, the Smart Museum of Art, and more. To secure your spot and learn more, stop by the official tour desk inside Ida Noyes Hall. Limited spots are available.
Celebration of the Classes of 1975 and Earlier
Ida Noyes Hall, 1212 E. 59th St.
Begin your day with breakfast while reconnecting with fellow College alumni from the Class of 1975 and earlier, sharing cherished memories of the College and your remarkable journeys since graduation.
Crown Family School Alumni and Students Connect (CASE) Networking Brunch
Crown Family School, Social Work Library
Crown Family School students and alumni mentors are invited to network over a casual brunch.
UnCommon Tour | Chicago Studies
Ida Noyes Hall, 1212 E. 59th St.
Chicago Studies and our many partners make it easy to explore our community—and understand it better. Join us from 9:30 - 11:30 and refresh your view of the UChicago campus and the near surrounding neighborhoods with a tour guide exploring the history of 55th Street and the Olmsted heritage of our campus. We ask that everyone arrive by 9:15 AM for directions and introductions.
UnCommon Tour | Frederick C. Robie House
Frederick C. Robie House, 5757 S. Woodlawn Ave.
Separate ticket required
Discover the house Frank Lloyd Wright described as “a cornerstone of modern architecture” on this guided tour that takes in both the exterior and interior of the building. Inspired by the expansive landscape of the Midwest prairie, Wright’s Robie House is the most famous of the architect’s groundbreaking Prairie houses. Completed in 1910, the house is recognized today as one of the most important buildings of the 20th century. It is inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List.
UnCommon Tour | Bronzeville Tour with Chicago Historian Dilla Thomas
Ida Noyes Hall, 1212 E. 59th St.
Tour Bronzeville with TikTok-famous Chicago historian Dilla, and visit the birthplace of Black History Month; the Eighth Regiment Armory; the Supreme Liberty Life Insurance Building; Pilgrim Baptist Church, which is considered the birthplace of gospel music; and more. Gain a better perspective of the historic South Side, and learn how it changed the world. From the location of the first open-heart surgery to the Ida B. Wells-Barnett mansion, there is a ton of history to be seen. Limited tickets are available. This is a bus tour, and participants will get off the bus once.
UnCommon Tour | Carillon Tower
Rockefeller Chapel
A Carillon Tower Tour involves walking on the catwalks in the chapel’s attic, visiting the tower's mechanical room to see the electropneumatic hour chime machine, experiencing the largest bell up close (37,000 lbs. of bronze), witnessing a demonstration of how the carillon is played, and visiting the roof for a 360-degree view of Chicago. The tour requires about one hour. The 271-step spiral staircase is taken at a leisurely pace and is not recommended for anyone who may be afraid of heights or claustrophobic. Children are allowed so long as they can make it up the stairs and are accompanied by an adult.
Lightning Talks
Gwen and Jules Knapp Center for Biomedical Discovery, 900 E. 57th St.
Cancer rates are increasing. Don’t miss the Lightning Talks—short presentations from Otis Brawley, MD’85, Bloomberg Distinguished Professor of Oncology and Epidemiology, Johns Hopkins University, and Anand Patel, MD, Assistant Professor of Medicine, UChicago— where you’ll hear what the latest research reveals about why this is happening and what can be done about it. Bring your questions; there will be plenty of time for audience Q & A.
Crown Family School | Rhoda G. Sarnat Lecture: Advancing Maternal Mental Health Equity During the Critical Early-Childhood Years
Crown Family School, Edith Abbott Hall, 969 E. 60th St.
Mothers in the US experience high levels of mental health concerns and parenting stress during the early-childhood years, particularly among families of color and families facing economic stressors. In this talk, Abigail Palmer Molina, AM’13, a Neubauer Family Assistant Professor at the Crown Family School of Social Work, Policy, and Practice, will discuss the current fractured system mothers experience and identify innovative, holistic ways to support maternal, family, and child well-being.
UnCommon Tour | Carillon Tower
Rockefeller Chapel
A Carillon Tower Tour involves walking on the catwalks in the chapel’s attic, visiting the tower's mechanical room to see the electropneumatic hour chime machine, experiencing the largest bell up close (37,000 lbs. of bronze), witnessing a demonstration of how the carillon is played, and visiting the roof for a 360-degree view of Chicago. The tour requires about one hour. The 271-step spiral staircase is taken at a leisurely pace and is not recommended for anyone who may be afraid of heights or claustrophobic. Children are allowed so long as they can make it up the stairs and are accompanied by an adult.
Picnic on the Quad
Main Quad, Festival Tent, 58th St. and University Ave.
Gather on the quad for food, drink, and entertainment for the whole family. Enjoy a kid-friendly space with games and activities for all ages.
UChicago MBSAA Alumni Awards Luncheon
Gordon Center for Integrative Science, 929 E. 57th St.
Separate ticket required
Honor the 2025 UChicago Medicine and Biological Sciences Alumni Association Distinguished Alumni and Service Award recipients during this special luncheon program. This event is only for alumni of the Biological Sciences Division and the Pritzker School of Medicine.
A Toast to International House: Around the World Wine Tasting
International House, 1414 E. 59th St.
Separate ticket required. Attendees are encouraged to register in advance. A limited number of tickets may be available for purchase at the door. Must be 21 or older to attend; government-issued ID required for entry.
Join International House for our annual Around the World wine tasting as we conclude our 92nd year of Welcoming the World, Championing Diversity. International alumni, International House staff, current graduate student fellows, and the Alumni Club of Chicago will cohost this year’s wine tasting. This time-honored reception will teach guests about wines from select regions across the globe while they enjoy food and music.
UnCommon Core | Plenary Panel Discussion with the University of Chicago Forum for Free Inquiry and Expression
Ida Noyes Hall, 1212 E. 59th St.
Join a uniquely UChicago panel discussion. More information to be added soon.
Food Truck Social, featuring the Alumni Beer Garden
Main Quad, 58th St. and University Ave.
Sample some of Chicago’s and Hyde Park’s favorite food trucks while relaxing and socializing with friends. Grab a drink from the Alumni Beer Garden. Two food truck tickets are included with each All-Access Weekend Pass or Saturday-Only Pass.
Crown Family School Alumni Awards
Crown Family School, Edith Abbott Hall, 969 E. 60th St.
Celebrate the professional accomplishments and societal impact of this year’s Crown Family School Alumni Award recipients. A reception will follow the ceremony.
Crown Family School Class of 1965 | 60th Reunion
Crown Family School, Edith Abbott Hall, 969 E. 60th St.
Separate ticket required
Class of 1965, gather at Edith Abbott Hall to celebrate your 60th Reunion! Reconnect with friends and catch up on school news with a brief update from Dean Deborah Gorman-Smith. Then enjoy the great company of your fellow classmates over dinner. This is a night you won’t want to miss!
Crown Family School Class of 1975 | 50th Reunion
Crown Family School, Edith Abbott Hall, 969 E. 60th St.
Separate ticket required
Class of 1975, gather at Edith Abbott Hall to celebrate your 50th Reunion! Reconnect with friends and catch up on school news with a brief update from Dean Deborah Gorman-Smith. Then enjoy the great company of your fellow classmates over dinner. This is a night you won’t want to miss!
Crown Family School Class of 1980 | 45th Reunion
Crown Family School, Edith Abbott Hall, 969 E. 60th St.
Separate ticket required
Class of 1980, gather at Edith Abbott Hall to celebrate your 45th Reunion! Reconnect with friends and catch up on school news with a brief update from Dean Deborah Gorman-Smith. Then enjoy the great company of your fellow classmates over dinner. This is a night you won’t want to miss!
Crown Family School Class of 1985 | 40th Reunion
Crown Family School, Edith Abbott Hall, 969 E. 60th St.
Separate ticket required
Class of 1985, gather at Edith Abbott Hall to celebrate your 40th Reunion! Reconnect with friends and catch up on school news with a brief update from Dean Deborah Gorman-Smith. Then enjoy the great company of your fellow classmates over dinner. This is a night you won’t want to miss!
Crown Family School Class of 1990 | 35th Reunion
Crown Family School, Edith Abbott Hall, 969 E. 60th St.
Separate ticket required
Class of 1990, gather at Edith Abbott Hall to celebrate your 35th Reunion! Reconnect with friends and catch up on school news with a brief update from Dean Deborah Gorman-Smith. Then enjoy the great company of your fellow classmates over dinner. This is a night you won’t want to miss!
Crown Family School Class of 1995 | 30th Reunion
Crown Family School, Edith Abbott Hall, 969 E. 60th St.
Separate ticket required
Class of 1995, gather at Edith Abbott Hall to celebrate your 30th Reunion! Reconnect with friends and catch up on school news with a brief update from Dean Deborah Gorman-Smith. Then enjoy the great company of your fellow classmates over dinner. This is a night you won’t want to miss!
Crown Family School Class of 2000 | 25th Reunion
Crown Family School, Edith Abbott Hall, 969 E. 60th St.
Separate ticket required
Class of 2000, gather at Edith Abbott Hall to celebrate your 25th Reunion! Reconnect with friends and catch up on school news with a brief update from Dean Deborah Gorman-Smith. Then enjoy the great company of your fellow classmates over dinner. This is a night you won’t want to miss!
Crown Family School Class of 2005 | 20th Reunion
Crown Family School, Edith Abbott Hall, 969 E. 60th St.
Separate ticket required
Class of 2005, gather at Edith Abbott Hall to celebrate your 20th Reunion! Reconnect with friends and catch up on school news with a brief update from Dean Deborah Gorman-Smith. Then enjoy the great company of your fellow classmates over dinner. This is a night you won’t want to miss!
Crown Family School Class of 2010 | 15th Reunion
Crown Family School, Edith Abbott Hall, 969 E. 60th St.
Separate ticket required
Class of 2010, gather at Edith Abbott Hall to celebrate your 15th Reunion! Reconnect with friends and catch up on school news with a brief update from Dean Deborah Gorman-Smith. Then enjoy the great company of your fellow classmates over dinner. This is a night you won’t want to miss!
Crown Family School Class of 2015 | 10th Reunion
Crown Family School, Edith Abbott Hall, 969 E. 60th St.
Separate ticket required
Class of 2020, gather at Edith Abbott Hall to celebrate your 5th Reunion! Reconnect with friends and catch up on school news with a brief update from Dean Deborah Gorman-Smith. Then enjoy the great company of your fellow classmates over dinner. This is a night you won’t want to miss!
Sunday, May 4
Shedd Aquarium
Shedd Aquarium, 1200 S. Lake Shore Dr.
Separate ticket required
Shedd Aquarium, located on Chicago’s Museum Campus, is a world-renowned destination, home to over 32,000 animals from aquatic habitats around the globe. In 2025, Shedd introduced exciting new features, including the Wonder of Water exhibit, a reimagined Amazon Rising habitat, and a dynamic Welcome Plaza. Admission includes access to the entire aquarium, where guests can enjoy a 4-D Experience, explore interactive touch pools, and marvel at daily Animal Spotlights. Space is limited to 50 guests, so please register early.
American Writers Museum
American Writers Museum, Second Floor, 180 N. Michigan Ave.
Separate ticket required
Explore over 400 years of American writing at the American Writers Museum. What makes the museum unique? It’s packed with interactive exhibits that bring different perspectives on writers’ works, blending them into our shared human story. Plus, enjoy a complimentary photo scavenger hunt experience as part of your visit. Limited tickets are available. A daily guided tour at 3 p.m. is included with admission.
UCABA Annual Alumni Weekend Sunday Brunch
Location TBD
Separate ticket required
Join the University of Chicago Association of Black Alumni for our annual Sunday brunch.
Chicago Architecture Boat Tour
400 N. Michigan Ave. | Dock TBD
Separate ticket required
Be inspired by the captivating visual art that is Chicago’s legendary architecture, and the exceptional architects who created this ever-changing, dynamic legacy for all to enjoy and admire. This comprehensive tour will navigate through the heart of the city on all three branches of the Chicago River while your guide tells the story of more than 130 years of innovation in design, style, and technique and why it is important today. Family friendly! Refreshments will be available for purchase on the boat. Note: passengers are advised to arrive by 10:15 a.m., 30 minutes before departure time. Space is limited to 50 guests, so please register early.